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ACD vrh E Litter E

ACD vrh E Litter E



4 females and 3males

father: Ch.Tom of the Seven Hills Country
(MultiCh.Turrella Blue Montana x Ch.DeeDee of the Seven Hills Country)
German Champion
German Youth Champion 2008
German Youth Winner 2008
European Youth Winner 2008
Golden Challenger Liege/Belgien 2008

PRA normal (Pattern A), HD A, ED 0, BAER OK, full dentitions, scissors bite

mother: C.I.B.JCh.ClubJCh.MultiCh.Australia od Dorrinky
(CH.Reddenblu´s The Xceptonist x C.I.B.MultiCh.Aussie Balmoral Moravia)
C.I.B. - Interchampion
Slovakia Juniorchampion
Club Juniorchampion 2009
Czech Champion
Slovakia Champon
Poland Champion
Austria Champion
Montenegro Champion
Mediterranean Winner 2009
Grand Prix Slovakia Winner 2009
9x BOB, 8x CACIB...

exams: ZZO, ZOP (obedience test) ZVOP (herding test)

PRA carrier (Pattern B), HD A, ED 0, BAER OK, full dentitions, scissors bite